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Brian Holmes isn't Brad Pitt

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Reading Brian Holmes on nettime I envisioned him as Brad Pitt via Che. Well, he's not. But as a dude channeling Ranciere and new ways of looking at art he's very OK:

Democracy in America: Brian Holmes from Creative Time on Vimeo.

old smelly shoes to the White House

Muntadir al-Zaidi has hurled "the shoe heard round the world" -- the greatest in-your-face presidential truth assault since Colbert's command performance.

Al-Zaidi is a truth jihadi after my own heart. Please support him by sending your old smelly shoes to the White House, signing petitions, etc. at:

A History of Music Torture in the War on Terror

A History of Music Torture in the War on Terror
By Andy Worthington, CounterPunch. Posted December 17, 2008.


A History of Music Torture in the War on Terror
By Andy Worthington, CounterPunch.
Posted December 17, 2008.
Frank Verdin

bush shoe game

If the Shoe Fits...

Thanks for the game Joseph. I have sent it around. Even to Republicans. My highest score is 14. That's with the sluggish action of a laptop. With an independent mouse or a gaming trigger, who knows?

Bank Bailout costs more than Marshall Plan..........

I only got to 9 thus far. But pure please.

BTW- The bank Bailout costs more than Marshall Plan, Louisiana Purchase, moonshot, S&L bailout, Korean War, New Deal, Iraq war, Vietnam war, and NASA's lifetime budget -- *combined*!