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nano_Garage(s): Speculations about (Open Fabbing)

by: Ricardo Domínguez
place: Medialab-Prado. Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 · Madrid

Lecture by Ricardo Domínguez within the frame of the Seminario Interactivos'09 Garage Science, an event celebrated at Medialab-Prado January 28 and 29, 2009

NanoGarajes: especulaciones sobre fabbing abierto

By 2015 the first cheap rapid prototyping fabricator hardware flows into the streets and quickly creates global networks of nano_Garage(s) that make up the first layer of future matter hacking tactics. All the usual suspects start to push towards the development of an Open_matter(s) Group that set the stage for the first true nano_fab engine technologies complete with uncooked nano_blocks that become available. While the dream of A.I and the singularity do not happen with the wide area distribution of nano_fab engines - the nano_Garage(s) around the world (especially in the southern cone) take rapid advantage of adding this new method of lobal and horizontal production in order to shift away from the locked down economies of past. It also allows the emerges of a *science of the oppressed* as a strategic mapping of the tactical advances being side_loaded by the nano_Garage(s) movement(s).