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#OccupyWallStreet live video coverage

Saturday: Mass arrests on Brooklyn Bridge. Media team arrested. Reporter for NYT arrested. 13 year old arrested.

Global Revolution brings you live stream video coverage from independent journalists on the ground at nonviolent protests around the world. The team includes members of Mobile Broadcast News, Glassbead Collective, Twin Cities Indymedia and the ninjas that brought you Terrorizing Dissent and Democracy 101 documentaries. Currently broadcasting from #OccupyWallStreet protests in NYC that began on Saturday, Sept 17, 2011. Please donate to equip our live video team:

Live video coverage and content from the Global Revolution that began in Tunisia and Egypt, and is spreading around the world.

Declaration of the Occupation

some links

Mark Ruffalo: We are the 99 per cent Occupy Wall Street is a peaceful stand against the big American rip-off. Support it and regain your dignity.
ps: The Guardian seems to be the only mainstream rag still worth checking now and then..

Then there is Chris Hedges, who also published an excellent article in The Occupied Wall Street Journal: The Best Among Us

And yesterday even the gray old lady felt it had to balance the NYPD biased stories of their cop reporter Al Baker
with something a bit more nuanced by Nicholas Kristof: The Bankers and the Revolutionaries

Talking about Al Baker, take a close look at this.

They tried

They tried to keep us sated on vapid movies and television shows. They cut us off from the deep pleasure of historical education and fed our brain colored candy. They took away experimental weird music and gave us top ten pop. They cut down our visionary art and replaced it with endless neo-pop and art reality shows for us to plug our desires into, hoping we would sit quietly by as they ran the world. I think they thought we were too dumb to notice. They were in error.

OWS art blog