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Microsoft works on own BitTorrent


Microsoft works on own BitTorrent
Microsoft researchers in Cambridge, UK, are developing their own peer-to-peer file-sharing software.
Codenamed Avalanche, the program makes it easy to share content by dividing files such as software, audio or video, into chunks, much like BitTorrent.

Using "network coding", it can re-create missing blocks of data that can be used in place of missing chunks.

Bogyi Boogie

Bogyi Boogie

Bogyi Banovich (right) rocks out at the Postmasters Battle of the Bands: Bogyi Boogie!

Downing Street Memo T-shirts


Only problem with this is if someone did ask me about the memo I wouldn't have the facts handy to tell them. A better idea is to print the memo itself on a t-shirt.

Downing Street Memo T-shirt

Downing Street Memo t-shirts now AVAILABLE!

Help spread the word about the Downing Street Memo and help AMERICAblog at the same time. You too can be a t-shirt activist! We've got 15 varieties to choose from, men's and women's, yellow, white, pink, tank tops, etc. Let's face it folks, you wear this t-shirt and people are gonna ask :-)

The First Human Browser


GH met Christophe Bruno in Paris. This piece is a Google hack where he searchs google and from his laptop sends a text-to-speech audio of the search to an actor in front of a polling place who then repeats what he's getting via the headphones.

EU constitution vote : Human Browser offers to help France

The Birth of Stems From An Accident


[...] J8~g#|\;Net. Art{-^s1 [...]

After a few months Cosic sent the mysterious message to Igor Markovic, the publisher of a Zagreb-based journal, Arkzin, who was eventually able to decrypt it. It was a manifesto that heaped all kinds of reproaches on traditional art institutions and in contrast claimed that artists on the Internet had independence and freedom. The correctly converted excerpt, from which the '' fragment originated, is: "All this will become possible with the arrival of the Net. Art as a concept will become superfluous...", etc. Unfortunately, according to Shulgin, this manifesto no longer exists, because it was lost, together with other valuable data, in the summer of 1996 after Igor's hard drive crashed. A crazy story, one after Alexei Shulgin's own heart: "I like this strange story, because it perfectly illustrates the fact that the world in which we live is much more complex than all of the ideas that we have of it". The birth of stems from an accident. So much for the myth.

The Birth of Stems from an Accident

PS: According to Alessandro Ludovico, "few days ago, Cosic in Venice publicly stated that this story was completely invented."

So much for the myth...

Waterways 2005 at the Venice Biennale, June 10 & 11


Waterways is a collective effort, action, ecovention and exhibition created and self-produced by 5 curators and 33 international artists to be installed on a public Vaporetto. The exhibition will take place alongside the Venice Biennale, at St. Elena, for the opening weekend - June 10th and June 11th.

Participating artists include Christoph Draeger and Peter Fend who have work available through thing.editions.



Pynchon From A to V


A screaming comes across the sky. . . .

Bookforum has an essay in its summer issue from book publisher Gerald Howard about the publication of Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow plus appreciations by Don DeLillo, Richard Powers and others:

One Friday in summer 2004, I spent a memorable afternoon in the half-deserted offices of Viking Penguin going through the thick editorial file for Gravity's Rainbow. There was in this experience the poignance of office technologies past (carbons, telegrams, memos typed on manual typewriters) and the names of the distinguished departed—from Malcolm Cowley, Viking's longtime literary adviser, to other colleagues, mentors, and friends. But there was also the sheer fascination of peering behind the curtain like Dorothy to discover how the levers had been pulled to launch one of the most consequential novels of the twentieth century.

daffodil 43


8 june 2005

about 750 words

d a f f o d i l f o r t y - t h r e e

monthly news of experiments in public writing at

w h a t ' s n e w ?

There were 12 new items in May and 2 so far in June.

The new items can be seen at

ArtistAccess Health Program in NYC


Over the past six months, a consortium of artist service organizations and unions - including NYFA, Dance/NYC, and Dance Theatre Workshop — and Brooklyn's Woodhull Medical Center, have developed an artist-specific healthcare initiative based at Woodhull as a pilot project. Currently hosted by Woodhull, ArtistAccess may eventually be offered by many of NYC's public hospitals. The program offers affordable healthcare for all NYC-based artists and arts workers, and offers the unique option of artists exchanging creative services for medical care. Woodhull Medical Center is committed to bringing quality healthcare to all patients, regardless of income or immigration status.

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