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Palin Costume Advisory for Halloween 2008

Most of us do not have a $150,000 clothing budget, supposedly the amount the Republicans have spent on duds for their VP nominee. But if you insist on dressing up like The Palin this Halloween, try to do so with a dash of originality and wit.

Girls and (apparently also) boys: PLEASE BE ADVISED. There will be a zero tolerance policy on non-clever and hastily assembled Sarah Palin costumes.

>>>If you are hosting a Halloween party, feel free to print this notice and post it near the door.<<<

Please be further advised: The verdict is still out on such Palin-esque accessories as moose heads, hunting rifles, helicopters, Sno-Cats, Bibles and bridges to nowhere. USE WITH CAUTION.

Furthermore: Coming as Tina Fey playing Palin is a dose of postmodern irony we can all do without.

And in a related story: Wearing a (thinning) white wig, raising your arms no higher than your shoulders, glaring into the camera and saying "My friends", and pasting photos of eight homes on your chest, doth not a McCain make.