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WEDNESDAY APRIL 27th, 6:30pm HISTORICAL IMPACT : Colab and Fashion Moda related artists


WEDNESDAY APRIL 27th, 6:30pm HISTORICAL IMPACT : Colab and Fashion Moda related artistsWEDNESDAY APRIL 27th, 6:30pm HISTORICAL IMPACT : Colab and Fashion Moda related artists

WEDNESDAY APRIL 27th, 6:30pm
HISTORICAL IMPACT : Colab and Fashion Moda related artists - including John Ahearn, Jody Culkin​, Ilona Granet​, John “Crash” Matos and Franz Vila - will talk about THE ART THAT IMPACTED NEW YORK AROUND THE 80’S
@ ABC NO RIO (a Colab’s spring)
156 Rivington St, New York, N.Y. 10002
J, M, Z trains to Essex St. station or F train to Delancey St. station
Free. (Donation Optional)
Contact: Tel. 646 462 0566