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ANNOUNCEMENTS: June 18 & 19, 2005


... mukul ... angie eng ... isea2006 ... ubermorgan ... soft cinema ...

p h o n e m e
(speak slowly after the tone)

sound work by mukul (ambientTV.NET), created while in residence at the thing, NYC, 1–21 june.

the work is part of an ongoing exploration of the sound of language.

voices: mohith keshava shastry and norika sky-sora

thanks to vena ramphal and ryuichi sakamoto


Tuesday, June 21, 9pm at 149 Ludlow Street, New York City (ground floor)


Mukul is artistic codirector of ambientTV.NET, where he collaborates across media including sound, film, text, live performance, cookery, and the internet. Some of his sound work is informed by Indian music and the OuLiPo. He has worked extensively with dance in a range of environments, from underground electronic clubs in the 1990s (notably, in London: Talvin Singh’s Anokha and Calcutta Cyber Café), through to more formal settings by contemporary choreographers such as Russell Maliphant and Akram Khan. He is currently composing for Manu Luksch's forthcoming film, Faceless.

debut of MEMOBILE, 2005 directed by ANGIE ENG

Video: Angie Eng
Music: David Weinstein
Performing Environment: Liminal Projects
Costume Design: Tara Webb
Max Programming Guru: R. Luke DuBois

If you could imagine a Surreal world with a Gorky painting married to a Mondrian, but having an affair with a silent Brakhage, simultaneously flirting with Truffaut’s eye capturing moments that have little to do with the story, but with life passing by, then you will know what to expect in Eng’s video performances.

June 22nd , Wednesday at 8:30pm-9:30pm
Roulette Mixology Festival 2005
@ Location One
20 Greene Street, New York City/ below Grand
$12/members free
subway -6,N,R,J to Canal
reservations: 212.219.8242

ISEA2006 Symposium
ZeroOne San Jose: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge

This is an invitation by the ISEA2006 Symposium and ZeroOne San Jose: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge to groups and individuals to submit proposals for exhibition of interactive artworks and projects reflecting on the thematic of Community Domain. Up to three commissions will be awarded, and the results will be shown at the ISEA2006 Symposium and ZeroOne San Jose Festival.


The 2006 edition of the internationally renowned ISEA Symposium will be held August 5-13, 2006, in San Jose, California.

The Inter-Society for Electronic Arts (ISEA) is an international non-profit organization fostering interdisciplinary academic discourse and exchange among culturally diverse organizations and individuals working with art, science and emerging technologies. Prior host cities include Helsinki, Paris, Sydney, Montreal, Chicago, Manchester and Nagoya.

ZeroOne San Jose is a milestone festival to be held biennially that makes accessible the work of the most innovative contemporary artists in the world. In 2006 it will be held in conjunction with the ISEA2006 Symposium.

See for more information about the Festival and Symposium.

UBERMORGEN.COM: [F]original, [], Basel/CH, 10.6.-3.7.2005

We would like to direct your attention to a cooperation between Hartware MedienKunstVerein/ Dortmund, []/ Basel and Artnode/Copenhagen. It consists of an *exhibition* in three parts by the artists group UBERMORGEN (AT/CH) whose first manifestation takes place during ArtBasel at [] in Basel (June 10 - July 3, 2005), a *catalogue* scheduled to be published in 2006, and a *panel discussion* with UBERMORGEN which is going to take place on Friday, June 17, 2005, at 12 hrs at the [] in Basel.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Ubermorgen, Wien/AT

[], Basel/CH

Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund/D

Artnode, Kopenhagen/DK

Lev Manovich and Andreas Kratky

SOFT CINEMA: Navigating the Database
DVD-video with 40 page color booklet
The MIT Press, 2005
ISBN 0-262-13456-X

What kind of cinema is appropriate for the age of Google and blogging? Automatic surveillance and self-guided missiles? Consumer profiling and CNN? To investigate answers to this question Lev Manovich - one of today’s most influential thinkers in the fields of media arts and digital culture – has paired with award-winning new media artist and designer Andreas Kratky to create the Soft Cinema project. They have also invited contributions from leaders in other cultural fields: DJ Spooky, Scanner, George Lewis and Jóhann Jóhannsson (music), servo and Andreas Angelidakis (architecture), Schoenerwissen/Office for Computational Design (data visualization), and Ross Cooper Studios (media design).

SOFT CINEMA: NAVIGATING THE DATABASE is available through The MIT Press (, online resellers and selected bookstores.

Additional information: