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Monday, April 18, The Thing @ White Slab: Disaster Special


Monday, April 18, The Thing @ White Slab Palace presents
Disaster Special (abroad and at home), programmed by Christoph Draeger:

Csoda Pok - PanOptic, (HU/USA, 7:20, 2002)
Helenes-Apparition of Freedom, Christoph Draeger (HU/USA/CH, 18:30, 2005)
Diviner-Adam Frelin (USA, 17:50, 2008)
Un Ga Nai - Bad Luck, Christoph Draeger and Martin Frei (CH/Japan, 42 min, 1995) Featuring an original soundtrack by Jad Fair and Gilles Rieder from Half Japanese!
Apocalypto Now - Jonathan Horowitz (USA, 20 min, 2008, permission pending)
The Body Song - Jonathan Horowitz (USA, 5 min, 1997, permission pending)

The Thing @ White Slab Palace, 77 Delancey Street/corner of Allen