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We send our best wishes to Ai Weiwei on his release from three months of Chinese government detention. We sincerely hope that he will be able to resume his activist role as provocateur, dissident and gadfly within China, continually offering a critique of the entrenched Communist Party bureaucracy.

Ai Weiwei released on bail, returns home

After almost three months of detention by Chinese government authorities, Ai Weiwei was released yesterday on bail and returned to his home in Beijing.

Japanese scientist makes good on Yes Men meme: synthesizing meat from human feces

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A Japanese scientist has reportedly discovered a way to create edible steaks based on proteins from human excrement. Tokyo Sewage approached Mitsuyuki Ikeda, a researcher from the Okayama Laboratory, to explore possible uses for their overabundance of sewage mud. Ikeda found that bacteria in the mud had produced a great deal of protein.

Benefit Art Auction and Party for Ugly Duckling Presse at RH Gallery, Tuesday, May 24, 6 - 9 pm

(Heather Phelps-Lipton)

Ugly Duckling Presse Art Auction & Benefit
Tuesday, May 24, 2011, 6 - 9 pm
RH Gallery, 137 Duane St, NYC

$20 advance tickets
$25 at the door

To purchase tickets, click here.

Preview a selection of artworks here.

To place a proxy bid on auction items:
Garth Graeper
Proxy bids accepted until midnight May 23.

Yes Lab "Come Clean" on Peabody Energy Asthma Inhaler Hoax

May 10, 2011

Tackling Childhood Asthma Not Coal Industry Priority After All
No more My Little Pony inhalers in stock

Contact:, (314) 472-5539

A charitable initiative by the world's largest coal company to provide free “novelty-themed” inhalers to asthmatic children may have seemed for a moment like a (somewhat misguided) breath of fresh air, coming as it did from an industry whose emissions are directly linked to childhood asthma, and which is fighting to gut clean air legislation that would save children’s lives.

Another good dirty energy spoof site from the Yes Men

May 10, 2011. An interesting press release entered my Inbox this morning. It appears to be another spoof by the Yes Men. This time they take down one of the giants of dirty coal, Peabody Energy, by pretending the polluter will be offering "custom-branded inhaler actuators to children living within 200 miles of a coal plant, along with coupons worth $10 towards the purchase of the asthma medication itself." The image above, plus access to various inhalers named for SpongeBob SquarePants and Justin Bieber, can be found at Don't forget to visit the Kidz Koal Korner and complete this maze.

Here's the press release in its entirety:

Peabody Energy (NYSE: BTU) Announces "Coal Cares™" Initiative, New Nationwide Campaign Against Stigma of Childhood Asthma

ST. LOUIS, May 10, 2011 / PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Peabody Energy today announced the creation of an innovative new public health initiative designed to combat the stigma of asthma among American children ages 0-18. With Coal Cares™ (, Peabody will offer free, custom-branded inhaler actuators to children living within 200 miles of a coal plant, along with coupons worth $10 towards the purchase of the asthma medication itself.

"Too many young Americans face daily schoolyard taunting and bullying because of a condition over which they have no control," said Gregory H. Boyce, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Peabody Energy. "By re-branding the inhaler as a cool, individualized, must-have accessory, Coal Cares™ will empower children to tell bullies: ‘suck it up.’" Children can choose from a variety of youth-themed inhaler cases, from tween faves like "the Bieber" and "My Little Pony," to the "Emo" and "Diamond" inhalers for older, style-conscious youth. There’s even "My First Inhaler," for tots.

President Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate Has Been Released

April 27, 2011. At the request of the White House, the State of Hawaii today released the long form birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama II. And the President held a brief press conference to address the issue.

Hopefully a troubled nation can now rest easy, and direct its attention to two wars, a stagnant economy, the price of gas, unemployment and - you know - other minor challenges that America faces in the early years of the XXIst Century.

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