a. Morality tongue clicking cs reformed static 50's reformu[b]latedless via typified gender.s[traight_jckting]nap.shots + trap[e.the.]page in monetaried.hells
b. B sure 2 revoke + e[s]c[ape]lipse ur previousness; ethics.do.not.a.post-9.11.world.parse
c. Clued-in systemic approaches leave the weak.weeker + the know[!]n as danger[m]ous[e]
a. Focus shattering promo[te]s.distributed attn ext[ra.t]ension = soc_net Mediarenas
b. A preoccupation with the [sound/snap/snippet]bite = rewritten.abs[pr]o[to]r[ece]ption.lvls
c. Bio_artifacts dribble thru the Mediarena as statica; new[mo]bileness.is.the.new.info.gawd
3. _Objects_Removal:[inS]tilling.the.etheral.so[c]i[a]l
a. Beating [y]our prior headness till it bl[r]ea[d]ts in t[d]i[(l)a]m[ond]e
b. Syn[cop(ul)ate] ur way in2 medium bloc.k.ages
c. Personal adage c[ommunication]roo[ms]ning.is.the.Nu.Black