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_Utilizing P[os]T[raumatic] S[(ad)hock]:Hell-Reve[r]sioned_

a. Morality tongue clicking cs reformed static 50's reformu[b]latedless via typified gender.s[traight_jckting]nap.shots + trap[e.the.]page in monetaried.hells
b. B sure 2 revoke + e[s]c[ape]lipse ur previousness;
c. Clued-in systemic approaches leave the weak.weeker + the know[!]n as danger[m]ous[e]


_Memory_Podd Inc_


MemoryPodd BETA software [MEMEPODD] creates a user-defined reality version of memory construct files (*.podd) in avatar_compatible models (Tars). Later versions of MEMEPODD are expected to have different reality_layer_field_encoding with AI geared towards autonomy rather re-creation. convertoutpodd is a command line utility to convert *.podd files created with MEMEPODD to TAR manifestations that correspond exactly with a users desired model.

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