Scope New York · February 22- 26, 2007 · Lincoln Center · New York, NY · 10AM-8PM Daily
lincoln center
Table Of Contents
1. Scope New York Overview
2. [PAM] The Perpetual Art Machine - Featured Project - [PAM]'s first birthday !
3. [PAM] Viewers Choice Award. - Featured Screening
4. The Perpetual Body. - Featured Screening
5. New Breed, Amelia Winger-Bearskin and Iris Piers. - Featured Screening
6. Objet du Desir, GoldieChiari. - Featured Screening
7. Aesthetics of Belonging. - Featured Screening
8. 1800 Frames/take 3 . - Featured Screening
Scope New York returns for its sixth-straight year with its new location. Featuring galleries from four continents and 20 countries, including China,Mexico, Japan, Korea, Brazil, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands,Norway, Switzerland, Germany, UK, Spain, and Canada, Scope New York 2007 isthe most internationally diverse fair to date. Scope's sixty-fiveinternational exhibitors will uphold its unique tradition of one-person andthematic group shows presented alongside museum-quality programming,collector tours, screenings, and special events. The fair opens daily at 10AM.
Perpetual Art Machine [PAM] is a living global archive in excess of 1000 21st century video art works from over 600 artists living in over 60 countries. Launched in December 2005, [PAM] resulted from an innovative art and technology collaboration between artists Lee Wells, Raphaele Shirley, Chris Borkowski and Aaron Miller. As a living archive, [PAM] has attracted to its website over 100,000 visitors and more than 3.8 million hits, with a daily average of 600 new visitors. More than an on-line archive, [PAM] combines its global database of video artists with leading edge software design and a duel interactive touch screen system, giving audience members / users of [PAM] the unique opportunity to be their own curator and exhibitor of video art. This takes part in large scale and immersive installations where the work is projected on surround screens. Recently [PAM] has exhibited at numerous film and art festivals including Arts Basel, the Split Film Festival, Croatia and Scope Art Fairs in New York, London, Miami and the Hamptons. [PAM] has also been invited to curate a select screening of Latin American and Chinese artist as part of a special project to the 2nd Moscow Biennial called “We Are Your Future”, chief curated by Ethan Cohen and Juan Puntes. Installations of [PAM] in California, Washington DC and London are currently in negotiation.
Perpetual Art Machine Viewers Choice Award.
In the spirit of the “web 2.0/viral video" phenomenon and following scope art fairs motto "turning viewer into users" [PAM] will take this idea a step further by allowing the viewer to become curator by offering the first ever " Perpetual Art Machine Viewers Choice Award". Viewers will decide through web vote only which [PAM] video artist will be featured at this years scope NYC art fair.
Log on to [PAM] Perpetual Art Machine, register and vote here.
May the best artist win and will be announced on February 22, 2007
Video Still: Yuko Kamei: Heels Down, On Your Feet
The Perpetual Body
Curated by Chris Borkowski / [PAM]
The Perpetual Body is a collections works that focuses on the human body in form and movement. 120 yeas ago Edward Muybridge began to articulatetechnologically & culturally speaking, our collective fascination with the human form in motion. Although the tools and techniques have changed theimpetus and desire to photograph said subjects has spawned into a multitudeof works with varying motives and sensibilities. The perpetual body runs the gamut body art atheists offering varying degrees of intimacy oscillating between both viewer and subject.
Hackworth Ashley, Kisito Assangni, Anna Chiaretta Lavatelli, c-trl lab, Monica Duncan, Hasty + Hasty, Yuko Kamei, Kirk Nelson, Maria Petschnig, Alan Sondheim, Andrew Sroka, Anders Weberg, Roberto Zitolo, and others
Video Stills: Amelia-Winger-Bearrskin "The State of Things" & Iris Piers : "Casimiration"
New Breed, featuring Amelia Winger-Bearskin and Iris Piers
Curated by Chris Borkowski
"New Breed" is a focus on two talented and young hybrid media artists that have joined [PAM] in a recent way of web 2.0 video artist to hit our websitedatabase. "New Breed" will feature the work of Amelia Winger-Bearskin and Iris Piers. Both are hybrid artistes working at the intersection of videomaking and performance. Their appearance at scope marks their first majorNYC debut but is by no means the only exhibitions these two artists will befeatured in as both have a global and rigorous exhibition schedules for2007.
Iris Piers ('83) has been exhibiting and performing her video's in Sweden, Berlin, Prague, New York City and Tokyo. After studying fine arts in Holland and Berlin Iris participated in the summer of 2006 in the internationally renowned Summers Residency Program at the School ofVisual Arts (SVA).
Amelia Winger-Bearskin is currently an MFA Candidate at the University of Texas in Austin where she is majoring in Transmedia. She was classically trained as an Opera Singer in Rochester NY at the Eastmanconservatory of music, and then finished her BFA at George Mason University.
Video Still Goldiechianri "object du désir"
GoldieChiari, Objet du Desir
Curated by Rody Douzoglou and Elaine Lévy
From the very beginning of their collaboration in 1997, Sara “goldie” Goldschmied and Eleonora Chiari have questioned us through irony and derision. Maybe it is the play on perception and the effect of identification embodied by their work, or maybe just the positive and claim-less message that touches us? Making fun of the institutional art system and of the idea of the artist itself, goldiechiari finally brandish the “100% no genius” expression as a motto. Through multi-field creation, action and performance are fed from fictional and ironic scenarii while other transitory installations are tinctured with the pure emotion of individual experience
Video Still:Emmanuelle Gauthier "Lace"
Aesthetics of Belonging
Curated by Kasia Kay
Layered and complex program dissussing ideas of gender, identity, belonging, sexuality and intimate narratives. Artists included: Kristin Anderson, Sandra Bermudez, Emmanuelle Gauthier, David A. Parker, Nick & Shelia Pye Alicja Karska and Aleksandra Went, and Chris Wasko
curated by Mica Scalin and Lee Wells
Originally organized for City Without Walls third annual installment of one-minute videos where artists from around the world have been invited to express theirideas and share their imaginative visions within 60 seconds.
The exhibition includes fifty-five one-minute videos by the following thirty artists: Michael Amter, Hackworth Ashley, Betsey Biggs,Brian Caiazza & G. H. Hovagimyan, Beth Chucker, Santiago Cohen, MariaDumlao, Carla Edwards, Merav Ezer & Adi Shniderman, Celeste Fichter, Jesse Houlding, Jenny Hyde, Bradley Hyppa, Jose Insua,Kensuke Koike, Beth Krebs, Stephanie Lempert, Joe Nanashe,Matthew Nicholas, Robert O'Connor, Arzu Ozkal Telhan, Jennifer Proctor,Charlene Rule, Memo Salazar, Melissa Schubeck, Claudia Sohrens,Dana Sperry, and Michael Szpakowski.
City Without Walls, directed by William Ortega, is New Jersey's oldest not-for-profit alternative art space, in continuous operation since 1975. More information can be found at -Scope