Simon Starling
Inventar-Nr. 8573 (Man Ray), 4m - 400nm, 2006
80 6x7cm black and white transparencies, 2x Gotschmann Slide Projectors, Kodak Dissolve Control Unit, CD and Player
Duration 8mins.
Simon Starling at Casey Kaplan, Chelsea, NYC, until March 24.
I first saw the steamboat slide show on v2v. Thanks, v2v makers!
Go and see it at the gallery anyway if you can, it's a marveleous show.
Autoxylopyrocycloboros (2006) took the form of self-defeating journey in a small wooden steam boat. The voyage, made on the waters of Loch Long, Scotland, home to the Trident submarine base and neighbouring peace camp, was fuelled with wood from the boat itself, as plank by plank, piece by piece, it was feed to its own boiler, until inevitably disappearing into the submarine infested depths of the Loch.
English / 00:11:44 / 19 MB / Ogg Theora