Structures to be built and serviced in
the Arabian/Persian Gulf, for renewable
hydrocarbons instead of fossil ones.
(picture: peter fend installation sharjah biennial, 2007)
Lack of meaningful work caused Arab Spring, the unrest in southern Europe, the misery of a debt-saddled US.
Meantime, there is no effective response to global warming, desertification or deforestation.
In making an effective response, one can create hundreds of thousands of jobs.
The know-how already exists.
It has been pioneered in the US.. by the earth artists, then eco-artists, and by two generations of scientists. Other countries have been breaking new ground too, like Japan, Germany, Korea, France.
The know-how can transform the No. 1 and No. 2 sources of energy today: hydrocarbons and hydro-electric. The present technologies damage the environment and are dead-end.
Sustainable technologies, for hydrocarbons from waterplants, and for hydro-electric from lightweight waterwheels, have been foreshadowed, researched and developed since the 1960s.
Global policy has been stuck with present technologies: in the Middle East, military effort goes to "secure" petroleum, disputes over the few rivers result largely from giant dams.
Given the research accumulated at top institutions and companies, even at the U.S. Navy, the US can introduce into the Middle East, in a belt extending from Morocco to Mumbai, in all conrtested zones from Tunisia to Libya to Syria to Iraq to Afghanistan, hydrocarbon and hydro-electric schemes, together with reforestation and de-desertification, on revolutionary scale.
There is no reason for a lack of jobs.
There are huge opportunities in the Middle East, throughout the Mediterranean and Arabian Seas, for building a post-petroleum, post-dam, post-desert world.
Monday, September 26, 8 pm
White Slab Palace
Back Room
77 Delancey (at Allan)