~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~venus©-~Ã~vibrator, even
These are the sound/text audio files created in collaboration with David Lee Myers that draw from Joseph Nechvatal's 39,907 word cyber-sex farce called '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~venus©-~Ã~vibrator, even' that Nechvatal wrote during his artist-in-residency at the Cite des Art International in Paris during 1995. Nechvatal edited the text to a final version in NYC in 1999. A portion was presented via an audio computer reading as part of Joseph Nechvatal's exhibition 'vOluptuary : an algorithic hermaphornology' held at Gallery Universal Concepts Unlimited in NYC spring 2003. The music was generated by David Lee Myers and an audio CD was produced. The full text of "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~venus©-~Ã~vibrator, even" can be read here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/19428649/venusNvibrator-even
All audio files here: http://www.archive.org/details/venus-vibratorEven
Sample audio file (chapter 06)
(mixed tape) from: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ venus©-~Ã~vibrator, even
(mixed tape) from: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ venus©-~Ã~vibrator, even http://www.archive.org/details/mixedTapeFromvenus-vibratorEven