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New UC San Diego Exhibition Envisages Future of Nanoparticles

Installations by Adriene Jenik and *particle group*

Atkinson Hall
University of California, San Diego
Map & Directions:

August 6 to October 3, 2008
Closing Reception: October 2 at 6 to 8 PM

August 6 through September 19:Wednesday - Friday: 11AM - 5PM
September 22 through October 3:

Holy Fire and the rise of New Media Gallery Art.

"The joy of the Postmodern, and as we go into the next period at the moment (name TBA), is that immaterial culture's association with the material (expand at will) is that the antagonism between the art market and the avant is diffused by allowing for localized discourse. Since the "ism" was destroyed, art atomized into very local threads of genre, into small groups, and even imploded to the individual.

Stefan Nikolaev - Prestige

Stefan Nikolaev - 'Sickkiss', 2006
Stefan Nikolaev - 'Sickkiss', 2006, 35mm film transferred to DVD, 6'25'' loop

As the inaugural show for a new gallery space in Sofia, ARC Projects presents Prestige, a solo exhibition by Stefan Nikolaev.

15 September - 20 October 2007
Exhibition open Wednesday - Saturday, 3 - 8 pm
ARC Projects
4th Floor, Boulevard Vitosha 90
1463 Sofia, Bulgaria

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