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sneak attack on the web


There is news from the world of adult entertainment that is of big interest to Constitutional Rights. This really is no joke! I feel that Attorney General Gonzalez is trying to shut down blogs and internet free speech since the Downing Street Memos got internet publicity the "news" media ignored. For whatever the reason, Gonzalez is on the warpath against the adult websites and it is important to free speech for all to pay attention.

Robert Smithson at the Whitney Museum


Art Dirt Redux mp3 (rough)

Spiral Jetty has such an iconic place in American art -- for some nearly a fetish -- it's easy to forget Robert Smithson was very much at home within the confines of interior spaces making more traditional objects and images. The retrospective of his work opening today at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York is beautifully and thoughtfully installed so that even his most esoteric meanderings into visualizing entropy are provided a context through his films, drawings, paintings, collages and even his slide lectures.

Teleporting over the internet


Computer scientists in the US are developing a system which would allow people to "teleport" a solid 3D recreation of themselves over the internet.

Professors Todd Mowry and Seth Goldstein of Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania think that, within a human generation, we might be able to replicate three-dimensional objects out of a mass of material made up of small synthetic "atoms".

Cameras would capture the movement of an object or person and then this data would be fed to the atoms, which would then assemble themselves to make up an exact likeness of the object.

Microsoft works on own BitTorrent


Microsoft works on own BitTorrent
Microsoft researchers in Cambridge, UK, are developing their own peer-to-peer file-sharing software.
Codenamed Avalanche, the program makes it easy to share content by dividing files such as software, audio or video, into chunks, much like BitTorrent.

Using "network coding", it can re-create missing blocks of data that can be used in place of missing chunks.


Morphs- One year out.


I’ve been working with a simple morph program for about a year now morphing photos of objects one into another. The labor is beginning to bear fruit. The process is a painstaking one. I start with a 10 frame morph then I create 9 short inter-frame morphs. Doing it this way I am able to control and manipulate the way the objects and shapes move as they transform one into another. The effect is eerie. The motion appears at times to be similar to a time-lapse photograph of a flower growing. At other times the movement has the disjunctive motion similar to a new-born baby who hasn’t learned to control its muscles yet.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: June 18 & 19, 2005


... mukul ... angie eng ... isea2006 ... ubermorgan ... soft cinema ...

p h o n e m e
(speak slowly after the tone)

sound work by mukul (ambientTV.NET), created while in residence at the thing, NYC, 1–21 june.

the work is part of an ongoing exploration of the sound of language.

voices: mohith keshava shastry and norika sky-sora

Jakob Boeskov Introduction to "Danes for Bush" Screening

Boeskov Ad

Jakob S. Boeskov introduces his film "Danes for Bush" at The Thing at Postmasters in New York City, June 16, 2005. Directed by Boeskov and Mads Brügger for Danish Television during the 2004 US election. campaign.


REMINDER: Jakob Boeskov at TT 6/16/05

Boeskov Ad

WHAT: Artist Talk by Jakob S. Boeskov

WHERE: THE THING at Postmasters New York (459 W 19th Street)

WHEN: June 16, at 6:30 pm

WHO: Jakob S. Boeskov is a Danish artist known for his own unique brand of spectacular political art. He is currently showing at the exhibition Populism (Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt)