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Working Class

On being Working Class & Unknown at PressWeek Venice Biennial 09

QUESTION: “Who the fuck’s [artist] Chris Brown?”

The sun blazes down. The sea chops seductively against the walls of the sun-bleached facades of a city built on water. The sun sets and people get dressed up in designer clothes to venture on their networking spree.

The Working Class have a lower IQ - Apparently.

A Few months ago in the UK, there was an article that was released by some noteworthy 'Scholar Researcher' in Newcastle, UK.
Bruce Charlton, an evolutionary psychiatrist at Newcastle University, had gotten government funding from his proposal for his research thesis.
Now his research thesis, with clear Class Consciousness, was to prove that the Working Class are just evolutionary, and genetically stupid, therefore they should not 'win' places in higher universities.

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