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Conceptual Art

Trauma, Performance and Documentation

Open Discussion

“Disaster images become pornography almost by default, anyway there’s no “honest” way to approach the place of trauma without being implicated in it somehow. This feeling of being implicated in the disaster and its’ aftermath has to do with the appearance of the diagram. The strange thing is that the diagram rears its’ strange head in a field it’s not supposed to be in, the predictable graphic software space. In an awareness that is already assuming (consuming) everything as an apparition or phantom effect; the pictorial sensational catastrophe is overridden, overwritten by something else, or something less.” – Christina McPhee

Sol LeWitt on New Materials

New materials are one of the great afflictions of contemporary art. Some artists confuse new materials with new ideas. There is nothing worse than seeing art that wallows in gaudy baubles. By and large most artists who are attracted to these materials are the ones who lack the stringency of mind that would enable them to use the materials well. It takes a good artist to use new materials and make them into a work of art. The danger is, I think, in making the physicality of the materials so important that it becomes the idea of the work (another kind of expressionism).
Sol LeWitt, “Paragraphs on Conceptual Art”

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