Brion Gysin and William Burroughs's Dream Machine
A review of
THE THIRD MIND at Le Palais de Tokyo
Curated by Ugo Rondinone
By Joseph Nechvatal
Le Palais de Tokyo
13, avenue du président Wilson 75116 Paris
Brion Gysin and William Burroughs's Dream Machine
A review of
THE THIRD MIND at Le Palais de Tokyo
Curated by Ugo Rondinone
By Joseph Nechvatal
Le Palais de Tokyo
13, avenue du président Wilson 75116 Paris
A Book Review of “Digital Contagions: A Media Archaeology of Computer Viruses” by Jussi Parikka (Peter Lang Books, 2007, 327 pages) by Joseph Nechvatal
{loop:file = get-random-executable-file;
if first-line-of-file = then goto loop;
prepend virus to file;}
2007 Almanac of Political Art is ready to download at
Editor at large: Sophie Hope
Guest Editors: Leigh French, Adam Jeanes and Simona Nastac
Production Team: Valentina Gottardi, Ann Harezlak and Lucy Parker
The Parallax View
by Slavoj Zizek (MIT Press)
Reviewed by Frederic Jameson
The process of picking up the threads of a project from 14 year ago, Faux Conceptual Art, is quite interesting. I’ve been framing the works, re-photographing them and creating new pieces. Looking at four works I see similar themes and ideas emerging. The pieces, Fibonacci Series With Calculators, Sit On, Price List and Not Here, have never been exhibited other than being presented on the web. This is a very strange idea. The whole web site, Faux Conceptual Art is a work that is a proposition. It is also in some measure a critique of the art market. Since re-engaging the works I am plodding along at a leisurely rate like a sort of anthropologist trying to piece together what I was thinking. This becomes fairly interesting because the world has changed, art discourse has advanced, and I have gone through many stages in that time.
The Politics of Aesthetics
Book Review of Jacques Rancière’s The Politics of Aesthetics : with reflections on Rancière’s art-politics in lieu of the Deleuzian/Guattarian perspective.
by Joseph Nechvatal
Jacques Rancière, The Politics of Aesthetics
With an afterward by Slavoj Zizek
Continuum Press, London and New York
Book Review of Jean Baudrillard’s Pataphysics
Reviewed by Joseph Nechvatal
at The International Journal of Baudrillard Studies (IJBS)