This is a short note to let you know that the International Telecommunication Union has just publishedb its new ITU Internet Report 2006, which takes a look at the impact of an increasingly digital world on consumer lifestyles, big business and human identity: the report is entitled "digital.life".
The text of the report (excluding the statistical annex) is now
available free of charge on our website at www.itu.int/digitalife.
Max Payne Cheat
As I was participating to Art+ Games for my biggest pleasure last week end, invited by Yves Bernard from imal.org, i intended to the talk given by Dirk from Jodi.org
It was really interesting to listen to him talking about their last project "Max Payne cheats only" http://maxpaynecheatsonly.jodi.org/ saying that it is a readymade and that everything is in the game.
Last week, during three evenings in Geneva, we had the chance to discover the last performance of the young swiss collective: www.n3krozoft.com Like some of their other works, it was dealing with video surveillance, geopolitics, fictions and a mix between acting and video screenings. This time, we were following John Doe, a secret agent, lost behind pipelines, satellite antennas and Iraki terrorists.
I met mouchette at the last meet-in-a-nice-restaurant.org, an event organised by the neen artist nikola tosic (http://tosic.com). Neen is a new artistic movement launched in 2000 by the artist Miltos Manetas. (http://neen.org) On that day, I discussed with the neenstars, angelo plessas (http://angeloplessas.com), andreas angelidakis (http://angelidakis.com) and nikola tosic about neen and net.art. What are the differences in between, is it the same, is it part of a same movement or idea? I disagreed. I repeated what Vuk Cosic said once, relating the story of net.art that "it wasn't meant as an art movement in bthe beginning but more as a way to prevent people of what could become internet". Neen was created by Miltos Manetas as a new art movement: the art of now, websites are the art of nowadays. Neen is often done with flash, a proprietary software. Free softwares are more in the net.art side. Neen is a brand, is net.art one? I don't beleive. Neen was an attitude. Is net.art one? I just don't know. But on the same day, I met Mouchette! http://Isabelle-arvers.com