Honduran resistance goes it alone
While Iran gets network focus-it should-but we should not forget what is happening in Honduras:
60 days of anti-coup protests show persistence in civil disobedience and little faith in int'l community
Honduran resistance goes it alone
While Iran gets network focus-it should-but we should not forget what is happening in Honduras:
60 days of anti-coup protests show persistence in civil disobedience and little faith in int'l community
The Summer of Love show at the Whitney Museum is great fun. It’s full of experiences – walk-in and peer-in rooms and boxes, kinetic sculptures, video and film, album and underground newspaper covers, photos of celebs and jes folks, and even some painting and sculpture. Coming from the Tate Liverpool, the show’s strategy is to represent visual culture rather than high art. That’s cool. You can almost hear the music and taste the drugs…
Notes on Paolo Virno in Buenos Aires
Maribel Casas-Cortés + Sebastián Cobarrubias (part of the Notas Rojas Translation Network)
Federico Geller
Virno’s visit to Buenos Aires in September 2006, invited by Colectivo Situaciones and Tinta Limon press, brought new perspectives into a public space characterized by the lack of a radical critique to the state. This absence is due in part to the notable recovery, although incomplete, of the institutional legitimacy of the state in Argentina and neighboring countries.