Art Video Lounge Art Basel Miami
[PAM] is very proud to announce that the project has been chosen along with 17 featured video artists at Art Basel Miami Beach 2006.
«Art Video Lounge»: A new way to look at video art
curated by Michael Rush of the Rose Art Museum
The Art Video Lounge offers an extensive overview of video art. «Art Video Lounge» is open daily (December 6 to December 10) from 11 a.m. until 8 p.m.
In 1969 Gene Youngblood wrote a book called expanded cinema. The cinematic experience has influenced all our lives. The meta-narrative of film has become our collective mythos. The components of film, their parts and the manner in which meaning is constructed shape the way we perceive the world. Video, is an extension of cinema as a communication medium. Digital video has staked out it’s own hybrid area that has it’s own rules.
The best young collaborative interface for video art is [PAM] Perpetual Art Machine. http://perpetualartmachine.com
ReTransmission is a gathering of citizen journalists, video makers, artists, programmers and web producers who are developing online video distribution tools for social justice and media democracy.
The Free Open Source Software community has provided a wide number of production and distribution tool on the Net, while the Creative Commons copyleft licence offers a way to share content without commercial exploitation. The event has been organised to add to the work of these and other communities to contribute to the building of real world usable tools for distributing and sharing video online.