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Art Fairs

Artists Meeting-Art Machine (AM-AM)

Artists Meeting is testing out a new fundraising site called We have a project called Artists Meeting - Art Machine that we are developing to be shown in Art Fairs. It is an Art Automat. We're asking the thing community to donate small sums to build this piece. The upside is that you get valuable prizes if you contribute on the Kickstarter site.

Art of Darkness

March 28 - 29, 2008
Presented by Milwaukee International
495 Broadway, 3rd Floor

Considering those aspects of Armory Week in New York which might be remembered in days to come, I predict Dark Fair will resonate in the annals of art history, and not just for the central conceit of doing it off the grid — of using no plug-in electrical devices or overhead lights at its Swiss Institute venue, instead substituting candles, flashlights, battery powered laptops, kerosene lamps and other glow-in-the-dark initiatives — but for its subversive stance as an anti-fair, an event that emulated the form but not necessarily the mandate to sell. It opened on Friday, closed on Saturday, and in the interim attracted an audience that stretched around the block.



there’s an opening for an artist’s residency in Marseille, France at Peter Sinclair’s cap15 compound. It’s a large studio space around 1000 sq ft. The offer is for up to 6 months. The rental is 420 euros a month. It starts in September. Contact: (petesinc(AT)

The 4th screen, a handheld and mobile devices festival curated by Tamas Banovich, will be included in the Pocket Film Festival at the Pompidou Center in Paris, FR.

Art Basel Miami

Art Video Lounge Art Basel MiamiArt Video Lounge Art Basel Miami
[PAM] is very proud to announce that the project has been chosen along with 17 featured video artists at Art Basel Miami Beach 2006.

«Art Video Lounge»: A new way to look at video art
curated by Michael Rush of the Rose Art Museum

The Art Video Lounge offers an extensive overview of video art. «Art Video Lounge» is open daily (December 6 to December 10) from 11 a.m. until 8 p.m.

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