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Editor's blog

Reprint of Bare Life discussion from the Empyre List

A publication of –empyre- soft-skinned space

Sydney, Australia

July 2006

A collaboration with documenta 12 magazine project

Featuring special guests

Michele White
Tina Gonsalves
GH Hovagimyan
Susana Mendes Silva
Conor McGarrigle
Jordan Crandall

And moderator Christina McPhee

On the topic

“what is bare life?”

edited linear pdf from the original hypertext archived at

[locusonews] Expo de Brett Ian Balogh / Vernissage mardi 5 décembre 06

"Quand les Ondes Balancent"
Une Exposition de Brett Ian Balogh
Vernissage mardi 5 décembre à 17h
Exposition du 5 au 11 décembre de 15h à 19h
Ecole d'Art d'Aix-en-Provence
1 Rue Emile Tavan
13100 Aix-en-ProvenceBrett Ian Balogh - SpectrumBrett Ian Balogh - Spectrum

Brett Balogh, artiste américain vivant à Chicago, prépare actuellement un MBA à la School of the Art Institute of Chicago au sein du Département art et nouvelles technologies. Il est depuis quelques mois en résidence en France à l’École Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence dans le cadre du programme d’échange culturel franco-américain FACE.

Art Basel Miami

Art Video Lounge Art Basel MiamiArt Video Lounge Art Basel Miami
[PAM] is very proud to announce that the project has been chosen along with 17 featured video artists at Art Basel Miami Beach 2006.

«Art Video Lounge»: A new way to look at video art
curated by Michael Rush of the Rose Art Museum

The Art Video Lounge offers an extensive overview of video art. «Art Video Lounge» is open daily (December 6 to December 10) from 11 a.m. until 8 p.m.

This month... let's talk!! art + games + video at the digital age

This from Isabel Arvers news letter:

Conference In Brussels + presentation & screening of a documentary about art & games : "8bit: the movie" by Martin Ramocki.
Art + Game: performances, exhibit and talks of Jodi, Angelo Vermeulen & Louis Blackburn, //////////fur///, Toshio Iwai, Julian Oliver, Walter Langelaar, Xavier Lardy, Régine Debatty (we-make-money-not-art), DMG Plantlife, _djèz_, M-.-N,...

Le 3 décembre, j'introduirai le documentaire "8bit: the movie" de Martin Ramocki par une présentation sur la relation art et jeux vidéo dans le cadre de l'événement Art + Game qui réunira Jodi, Angelo Vermeulen & Louis Blackburn, //////////fur///, Toshio Iwai, Julian Oliver, Walter Langelaar, Xavier Lardy, Régine Debatty (we-make-money-not-art), DMG Plantlife, _djèz_, M-.-N,...

More infos on:

Last Exit to Bard

Nothing Official did this film of the opening of the new Hessel Museum of Art at Bard College. Check out her full blog on

Exploded/ Expanded/ Cinema/ Video/

In 1969 Gene Youngblood wrote a book called expanded cinema. The cinematic experience has influenced all our lives. The meta-narrative of film has become our collective mythos. The components of film, their parts and the manner in which meaning is constructed shape the way we perceive the world. Video, is an extension of cinema as a communication medium. Digital video has staked out it’s own hybrid area that has it’s own rules.

Post your ideas and comment in the new forum that has just opened up.

Bare Life and Documenta 12

11/19/06 11:45 AM
Bare life, subject, exposure, recuperation: ‘bare life’ on –empyre- soft-skinned space (Sydney, July 2006)A report(also known as THE THING because it was a monster to write!) by Christina McPhee, participant, documenta 12 magazine project for –empyre- soft-skinned space, Sydney; on the occasion of the documenta 12 transregional meeting on November 11 to 13, 2006, Goethe Institute, Cairo, Egypt.

Trauma, Performance and Documentation, a conversation with G.H. Hovagimyan and Christina McPhee

This is a conversation between G.H. Hovagimyan and Christina McPhee at Sara Tecchia Gallery on November 15th, 2006
There's also an ongoing text discussion on

Christina McPhee

Call for Video or Audio

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Award | Digital | festival | Film | Film Festival | Movie | Napoli | People | Star | production/context

Tam Tam Digifestival sponsors IPSE DIGIT, a competition reserved to digital audio-video productions.
If you have realized only by digital a videoclip, an Internet documentary, a mobile movie or a newsreel reportage, please send your work to: Coop. Tam Tam, Via Ugo Niutta 33, 80128 Napoli / Naples - Italy.

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