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The Threats to Kathy Sierra

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About Kathy Sierra's blog death threats, it highlights one of my problems with blogs and my overall lack of surprise about the matter.

Blogs, in and of themselves have fewer homeostatic mechanisms than forums or listservs. They are primarily a voluntary push medium with the ability to respond. I have never felt like I have been part of a conversation as part of a blog; only as a journalist or lecturer. They have never made me feel "part" of anything, they have only made me feel part of an audience, and it is this belonging that is special to networked conversation.


Fibonacci Series with Calculators - 1994

The piece is a system or a procedure or a set of instructions. The instructions are to draw a spiral on a board. Using four cheap calculators, create the Fibonacci series. Write the numbers on the spiral as you go along. When the calculators can no longer calculate the numbers the piece is finished. It’s a closed system that is somewhat like the logical abstraction for a computer program, a set of instructions that is executed.


The Change You Want to See is thrilled to host author and activist Steve Duncombe for a presentation and discussion of his acclaimed manifesto "Dream: Re-imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy”. Beyond talk, this is also an applied strategy session – irrigate the irrational, practice your “spectacular vernacular”, exercise your imagination as we craft a creative street action in support of the Coalition of Imakolee Workers' campaign against McDonald's.

BYOB encouraged, as brainstorm and beer are like butter and bread.

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Tuesday, March 27, at 7:30pm
The Change You Want to See Gallery and Convergence Stage
L to Bedford, G to Metropolitan, J/M/Z to Marcy
84 Havemeyer St, Brooklyn NY 11211 or
Directions at
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Neocons in Cheney's Office Fund al Qaeda

Neocons in Cheney's Office Fund al Qaeda-Tied Groups ... and No One Cares?

By Tom Engelhardt, Tomdispatch. com. Posted March 17, 2007. 49275/

Seymour Hersh's recent report that Iran-Contra veterans working out of Dick Cheney's office are using stolen funds from Iraq to arm al Qaeda-tied groups and foment a larger Sunni-Shia war is a very big deal.

Let me see if I've got this straight.

In The Presence of Networks: A Meditation on the Architectures of Participation by John Hopkins

Architectures of Participation is a compelling phrase that attempts literally to frame a deeper fundamental of human existence. This text is a preliminary meditation on that existence and aspects of its profound presence.

Buenos Aires, Waiting a bus to San Marcos Sierra

Gare routière du Retiro, le soir, cinq heures à attendre un bus pour San Marcos Sierra... Beaucoup de monde, énormément de monde! Tout cela semble très bordelique, surtout avec les 130 quais de bus, mais finalement tout se passe bien. On part...