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Automatic Update Essay

In regards to the upcoming "Automatic Update" exhibition at the MoMA NY, there seems to be a great deal of question about a number of issues. These are; the re-writing of history,the relevance of net-based art, the perception of popular culture, and the role of the New Media movement/ Genre in the contemporary scene. What seems to be a key dialectic about the state of New Media as force in contemporary art derives from two poles; one from the MoMA colophon about the Automatic Update show; The dot-com era infused media art with a heady energy. Hackers,programmers, and tinkerer-revisionists from North America, Europe, and Asia developed a vision of art drawn from the technology of recent decades. Robotic pets, PDAs, and the virtual worlds on the Internet provoked artists to make works with user-activated components and lo-res, game-boy screens. Now that "new media" excitement has waned, an exhibition that illuminates the period is timely. Automatic Update is the first reassessment of its kind, reflecting the artists ambivalence to art, revealed through the ludicrous, comical, and absurd use of the latest technologies. [1]

In memoriam: Príamo Lozada 1964-2007

Príamo Lozada died June 13th at 7:30 pm during the preparation of the Mexican Pavillion in Venice. Apparantly he accidentally fell out of a 3rd story window of the building and later died in a hospital in Mestre near Venice.

Lozada was the visionary curator of the Laboratorio Arte Alameda in Mexico City.

Summer of Love, Seasons of War

The Summer of Love show at the Whitney Museum is great fun. It’s full of experiences – walk-in and peer-in rooms and boxes, kinetic sculptures, video and film, album and underground newspaper covers, photos of celebs and jes folks, and even some painting and sculpture. Coming from the Tate Liverpool, the show’s strategy is to represent visual culture rather than high art. That’s cool. You can almost hear the music and taste the drugs…

Bernd Becher 1931-2007

“We wanted to provide a viewpoint or rather a grammar for people to understand and compare different structures.” — Bernd Becher
The Artist and Photographer Bernd Becher died last week in Germany.
Bernd and Hilla Bechers current show at Sonnabend Gallery New York is still on view.

Turbulence: Ideas for Movement

Issue #1: What would it mean to win?

Turbulence is a journal-cum-newspaper that we hope will become an ongoing
space in which to think through, debate and articulate the political,
social, economic and cultural theories of our movements, as well as the
networks of diverse practices and alternatives that surround them. The first


Edited by Katrien Jacobs, Marije Janssen, Matteo Pasquinelli

Editorial Assistance: Geert Lovink, Sabine Niederer
Copy Editing: Wietske Maas - Design: Kernow Craig
Publisher: Institute of Network Cultures
Supported by: Paradiso, Amsterdam
ISBN: 978-90-78146-03-2

Order a copy of this book by sending an email to:
A PDF of this publication can be downloaded for free at [NOT SAFE FOR


The MeatSpace Gallery is pleased to present "Long Island City Sundial," an exhibition of drawings by Heidi Neilson which envision Long Island City's prominent Citibank tower as a gigantic sundial.

The opening reception for the exhibit is on June 21, the summer solstice, from 6 to 9 pm at the MeatSpace Gallery, 46-01 5th Street, in Long Island City, New York, between Vernon Boulevard and the East River. Directions and a map are available at

Furious! The Angry Show - Opening in Atlanta June 23rd


You are cordially invited to attend the opening of Furious! The Angry Show.

290 MLK Jr Dr, suite 8, Atlanta, GA

Saturday, June 23rd, 7PM

Those offended by the word "fuck" are invited not to attend.

Featuring the work of:

Thomas Bailey
David Borawski
Cécile Carrière
Woody Cornwell
Jonathan Field
Scott Groeniger
Jenny Hager
G.H. Hovagimyan & Brian Caiazza
John Jennings
David Kasdorf
George Kennedy
Cara Pastore
Dietrich Wegner